Our collaboration with Volvo began in 2008, when the automotive group turned away from its historic supplier, with which it was no longer satisfied, and asked Visotec to equip its dealerships. Since then, we have been at Volvo's side for all of its most ambitious image renewal projects.
After equipping dealerships in 2008, we supported the launch of the new Volvo Retail Experience image by co-developing the "Iron Mark" logo in 2014, and more recently, the new urban concept "Volvo Studio".
The “Iron Mark” logo, a global exclusive
Visotec is the world’s exclusive supplier of the Volvo “Iron Mark” logo. It was co-developed by our teams and the design unit of Volvo. It required the use of the highest-end technologies: injection to best reflect the design, galvanised automotive chrome finish, etc. In total, 1,700 “Iron Mark” logos were designed in our factories, between 2015 and 2018.
Visotec remained a loyal partner to Volvo during a period of change for the brand, which ultimately led to the definition of a strong concept. Characterised by a marked Scandinavian aesthetic, more refined but more demanding, the VRE signage designed by our teams is aimed first and foremost at efficiency. This is what Volvo expects from Visotec: a trusted, efficient provider, capable of adapting to change.