Promoting the Community of Municipalities of La Balagne by means of permanent territorial signage

Community of Municipalities of La Balagne
Geographical area
From 2013 to today
Keys figures
+ 5,000 light elements manufactured


In early 2013, the community of municipalities in La Balagne, which includes 14 municipalities, decided to create local signage to promote its heritage (churches, remarkable sites, points of view, etc.). Responsibility for the graphic charter was entrusted to Via Design and Mr Nicolas Fauvel proposed to create structures highlighting content and maps.


Lenoir Services, a company of the Visotec Group, delivered a complete service package including direction panels, shrubbery and installation. In addition, our teams played an important part in advising on the materials to be used, including structural elements made exclusively of aluminium.


High quality materials and printing

The visible parts were treated with a silver anodised aluminium sheet coated with high durability quadricolour printing. Once all the tests and inspections were validated, the printing technique received certification by the CSTB (Building Scientific and Technical Centre).

Direction table produced by Visotec for La Balagne


We successfully took up the many challenges inherent in creating installations for natural environments. First, by anticipating and supervising a project entailing complex team access management to the installation sites. Secondly, by meeting the sustainability expectations through structures designed to withstand the natural constraints associated with an outdoor and seaside location.