The architectural dimension, central to Volkswagen’s project

Geographical area
Keys figures
200 dealerships


Born in the 2000s, the concept underpinning the new visual identity of the Volkswagen dealerships immediately stood out as very innovative. It is therefore no surprise that our collaboration with the car manufacturer has led us to innovate too, significantly pushing back the limits of our profession as sign-makers.


More than mere sign installation, this operation included renovating the entire façade, from the surrounding light structures and entrance arches to the architecture of the buildings themselves. All this was done working hand in hand with the architects, for a result ideally suited to each dealership.


The VW arch

The brand’s “Concept Module” was created in 2005 by a team of architects inspired by the greatest names such as Richard Meier. Consequently, the brand identity now resides much more in the façade design and signage than in the multiplication of standard regulated elements and the logos of all kinds that previously proliferated on all commercial façades in the automotive sector.

Volkswagen dealership entrance concept by Visotec

Ours is a true trust-based working relationship. The Visotec teams are responsive and proactive.

Martin Duprez, Project Manager, Volkswagen France

In my experience with Visotec, problems are a rarity, or are immediately resolved, even before they reach us.

Gavin Baker, Group Corporate Identity Manager, Volkswagen Europe


Our ability to take an all-encompassing view of each project, by integrating its architectural dimension, and showing tremendous flexibility in our methodologies, greatly contributed to the success of this operation. Each dealership required us to adapt on a case-by-case basis, as the industrialisation of our standard process needed to be adjusted to the specific characteristics of the façades.

This collaboration has definitely enabled us to put to work a wide range of our know-how, but also to broaden its scope by developing new skills specific to the field of “building architecture”.